I'm not
saying that a band shouldn't have fun with their music, but to make a joke out of what can be perceived as a mature song is
not the way a band should operate. Look at Brand New. These guys produce quality music and serious videos but still have fun
on the road. Senses Fail needs to realize the music industry isn't a high school party and the people they need to impress
aren't going to take to a music video that looks like it came out of Mass Media 101.
a Disney movie in one of the titles of their songs is another piece of proof towards Senses Fail's immaturity. If you look
at the album you’ll notice a song called "Rum is for Drinking, Not for Burning"- if you've watched the movie Pirates
of the Caribbean you’ll remember Johnny Depp's character complaining after rum is used to start a fire. Now this
is just immature. It's one thing to quote a movie in a song but to title a song after a joke in a Disney movie isn’t
As much
as I enjoyed From the Depths of Dreams I can't see these guys going anywhere unless they learn to take their music
a little more seriously.