In celebration of Novi Split's fantastic release Keep Moving (read the review here), Independent Clauses has the privilege to review some of the tracks and make them available to you! These three tracks clearly
showcase the emotional pop genius of Novi Split's leader, David J (also of Kind of Like Spitting). (Save by right-clicking
on the link, then click 'save as')
Glory! Glory!
A little more than a ditty, a little less than a song, "Glory! Glory!" has a fantastic vocal performance and
a great opening guitar line. David J is the only person in the world who can make the line "I broke the chair" sound emotionally
trying. Be prepared to be mellowed; this is beauty.
Big Action
A great little song to drive to, this gently moving piece inspires happiness. What kind of happiness, I'm not sure, but
i'm sure happy after hearing this. The drums are excellently done here. Note the cool little synthesizer noise.
Tonight! Tonight!
Why can't all pop songs be more like this and less like *shivers* Britney Spears? This genuine, heartfelt song is bursting
with catchy vocals, intriguing guitar, and yet another cool synth line.