So you're walking down the street, minding your own business, thinking
about some rock band. Suddenly, some kid you don't even know comes up and punches you in the face, then runs off. You're
stunned, but you have enough wits to get the license plate number...until you remember that only cars have license plate
Yeah, Devices in Shift is sort've like that. It hits you hard, leaves a mark,
and runs off.
The members of DiS can cram more into 3 minutes than I can cram into a suitcase.
It's emo; it's hardcore; it's indie rock; it's got electronic sounds programmed into it. The guitars grab you by the throat
and don't let go; the vocals hold the knife, and the bass is the man who does all the threatening... everything works together
to create a fearless, powerful sound that pushes the boundaries of emo.